Capturing Photography Basics with Xander Kabat

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Capturing Photography Basics with Xander Kabat

Professional photographer Xander Kabat will explain the basics of capturing great images. This event is for people aged 18 years and over.

By Shire of Mundaring Libraries

Date and time

Sun, 26 May 2024 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM AWST


Boya Community Centre (entrance off Clayton Road)

119-135 Scott Street Helena Valley, WA 6056 Australia

About this event

(For adults)

Are you new to photography? Do you have a digital SLR, mirrorless camera, or a phone camera with manual settings and just cannot get the kind of images you would like?

Capturing Photography Basics is designed to give you the confidence to get off "Auto" mode and start capturing the images you have always wanted.

Photographer Xander Kabat will introduce you to the world of photography. You will learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and more. Xander will also touch on creative elements such as composition and perspective.

The aim of this theoretical workshop is to get you confident using your camera!

Participants will learn about:

  • What is photography?
  • Shooting modes - why you should never use "Auto"
  • What is the "exposure triangle" and why it is everything in photography?
  • ISO and configuring your camera to shoot for different conditions
  • Aperture
  • Shutter speed, including capturing emotions and shooting movement
  • Focus
  • The three most important aspects of composition: depth of field; rule of thirds; and secondary content.

This workshop is suitable for digital cameras with manual controls (P, A/Av, S/Tv and M modes) including DSLRs, Micro Four Third cameras, mirrorless cameras, and advanced compact cameras. It is also suitable for phone cameras that have manual function abilities.

This is a theoretical workshop, and you only need to bring something to take notes. There is no need to bring any equipment.

Bookings are essential for this free event. Light refreshments will be available. We suggest you bring your own keep-cup or mug for tea, coffee or water. Please advise us if you have any accessibility requirements.

About Xander Kabat: Xander Kabat a photographer, photo-educator and adventurer based in Western Australia. He is passionate about landscape, travel, and wild-place photography. His photographic portfolio spans the globe, covering all seven continents including Antarctica. His images attempt to tell a story of life on this planet by combining a passion for exploring diverse cultures and capturing the natural world. Xander is an award-winning photographer who has had exhibitions and his work published around the world, including magazine covers. As a university level educator, Xander has an extensive background in teaching and mentoring.

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